

What could be better than having a garage that protects your favorite car from bad weather conditions and thieves. We know that many of you are forced to park your cars outside, thus putting them at risk of theft or hail. Let's see how we can build our dream garage ourselves.

Building such a facility is not at all a difficult task, as long as you have the appropriate permits. However, if you will be prepearing documents for the first time, you will need permits issued by fire safety and urban planning.

What types of garages are there according to the construction? The construction of the garage can be temporary or permanent. The temporary structure is actually a frame structure that allows the garage to be easily and quickly moved to another location. This is convenient in case you live in urban conditions and have found a place for your car not so near to you. This construction will calmly stand and wait for better times until you find a suitable place as close as possible to you. As the name suggests, however, this type of garage is not suitable for long-term use. Its short exploitation period is most likely caused by the fact that the place where it is placed is not yours, but you rented it from a private person or from the municipality. However, this is not the case with permanent constructions. They are much more stable and practically eternal. Of course, before taking this step, the place you are going to build on must be yours. The price of such a place will not be low, but this will be compensated by the long exploitation period that such a garage offers. Before starting the construction of a garage, you need to think about many things. Let's continue to unravel the topic.

First you need to determine the size. However, this is not an easy task, because in addition to the area, you also need to determine the height of the garage. As a rule, the bigger the better. Of course, there is some bare minimum that you must provide for your car. Carefully consider every detail so that it does not turn out that you did not provide enough space. Consider carefully whether one or two cars will be parked in the garage. If you own a car, then measure the length and width of the car, and the width should be measured with the doors open. To the figure obtained, add one meter, because there must be room for free movement of people. This way you will get the minimum area that your future garage should have. The height should also be determined based on the car and the drivers themselves. If you think that you will buy a taller car in the future, you should take this into account when designing the height. A height of 2-2.5 meters would do a great job. Of course, these dimensions are basic, i.e. if you want to equip your car's new home with tools and cabinets, you need to increase the size of the room.

Secondly, we need to supply the garage with electricity and water. In fact, this is not mandatory, but recommended. Of course, this will increase the cost of the project, but it would be great to repair your car yourself, such as changing the tires or inflating them. Another important element of our machine is the battery, which in case it runs out, you can always easily and conveniently charge it in the garage. You will also need electricity and water if you want to clean and wash your car. Do not forget to install a drain pipe !!! In current protection, we can also touch on another important issue, namely the security system, which cannot work without the presence of electricity. This puts your car at risk. As you can see, you may not install water and electricity in the garage, but that would deprive you of all the comforts of the modern world.

There is one last question that you need to resolve before construction begins, namely what material to use. Here the topic is very long because you can literally use almost anything. Plastic, sheet metal, polycarbonate, bricks or even glass. The choice is huge, so keep reading down.

1. Polycarbonate garage. Polycarbonate is an inexpensive option that would be suitable for the construction of almost any garage. I say almost because you can mostly use it to build a small garage type clamshell. The advantages of this material are not few. Along with its affordable price, polycarbonate also boasts excellent physical properties. It is light and resistant to high and low temperatures. Its structure has excellent sound insulation and thermal insulation properties, which makes it an excellent choice for rooms where the engine "hums". Mounting and dismounting the panels is extremely easy and you can move the garage whenever you want. Of course, there are also disadvantages that you should not ignore. As I indicated in the previous sentence, polycarbonate panels are easily installed and dismantled, which means that its "life" is short. The sun and especially UV rays shorten the life of this material. In theory, these boards should last at least 20-30 years, but in practice this period is no more than 10 years. If you want a really stable and strong construction, then use brick.

2. Brick garage. Using any type of brick would ensure strength and reliability of your garage. Of course, the price is higher, but in theory your building will last forever. For easier work, you can choose the lightweight gray aerated concrete bricks. They are larger than standard red bricks, but they are just as strong. The only drawback of these bricks is their appearance, which is not among the prettiest, but there are enough available finishing plasters to cover up this small drawback. You should also take into account the strengthening elements if your garage is too big. This is a massive structure and it may be necessary to place a supporting column somewhere in the middle. Such columns should also be placed in cases where your garage is wooden.

3. Wooden garage. Wood is an organic material that has excellent physical properties. You can safely and easily build a garage with this material. You just need to treat the wood with a special preparation to prevent rotting.

4. Metal garages, on the other hand, do not need to be processed further. Here you will need metal profiles and sheets. The advantage of this type of garage is that the installation can be carried out both on a previously cast and leveled base and directly on the ground. Another advantage of this type of construction is that the permit documents are much less. There are also disadvantages, of course, such as the fact that metal does not have good thermal insulation, but on the other hand, it has very good electrical conductivity, which is not good if you want to pass electricity.

5. Underground garage. Modern and extremely up-to-date, this type of garage will save you a lot of space. The sand has extremely good sound insulation and heat insulation properties. As a disadvantage, we can mention the expensive construction and the need for various specialists such as geologist, engineer and others

It is worth considering carefully another part of your garage, namely the door. You can choose a sliding, drop-down or standard door, as the conveniences of the first two are indisputable. You can easily install a mechanism with a remote control that automatically opens the door when you approach the garage. The material in this case is most often aluminum or another metal. If you choose a standard door that opens with hinges, you can also choose other materials, such as wood.